Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day on Endor

The Kid set up a beautiful forest on the floor, and the next thing we knew we were on Endor.   The Empire was serious this time about controlling that pesky moon - AT-ST's, Stormtroopers, Bounty Hunters and even "Ranster" the Rancor, were all brought in to chase the Rebels and their teddy-bear friends off of Endor.   Luckily, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca and company, happened to be vacationing and visiting old comrades in Endor just at that moment. 

Blaster fire soon filled the forest.  Jetbikes screeched over and into trees.   Ewoks tried their best to trip over the AT-ST's.   Stormtroopers fell.   Rebel troopers fell.  Then everyone got back up again.   From some deep dark part of the forest a giant Knobby White Spider appeared and joined the Rebels.  It was a good thing too because Ranster was chomping at everyone and there was no other way of stopping him.


          Happy Father's Day.                                                                                                                        

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