An army of Battle Droids and Clones, led by Darth Sidious' two foul apprentices, Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus, advances on Kashyyyk. Chewbacca and his father assemble the Wookie Clans. Mace Windu brings in The Jedi Council to aid in the defence of the friendly Wookie planet.
The battle was fierce. At one point things looked very bad for the good guys. Several Wookie chieftains were captured by the Clones. But then suddenly some Ewoks appeared. Then some Tusken Raiders. And then Jabba The Hutt and his entourage of Bounty Hunters! All of these new arrivals united together against the Clones and Droids. It was all too much for them. Captain Rex formed a final battle line before the inevitable.
It was suppertime, and the battle was over. The forces of Good won. The Wookies were rescued.
Father and Son enjoy the afterglow of victory. Arrrrrrrurrr. Arrrurrrrrr.
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