I had a bit of an afternoon off today, so I thought I give these Pendraken tanks a whirl. For rules I decided upon Flames of War (1st edition). I have had this rulebook for over eight years but have never actually played a game with them. So on to the kitchen table. No mat. Little scenary. Simply painted miniatures and a 40 minute time limit. Let's go! Advance elements of the German army motor towards the villages near Moscow (1941). An ad hoc Soviet battlegroup rumbles out to meet (and defeat) them.
T-34's and T-26's move at the Double. And man, are they fast!
Shells start to fly. The German tanks hit often but with frustratingly little effect. Meanwhile, Panzer I's, II's, III's and 38's are exploding all over the place. When a T-34 does finally brew up it is an event.
However, it is an event that does not happen enough for the Germans. The survivors soon high-tail it home.
I really enjoyed this little kitchen skirmish and look forward to really giving FOW and these little tanks further workouts.
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