Sunday, February 19, 2012

Game One of the Beastmen vs. Dark Elf series

Began our Beastmen/Dark Elf set with a fantastic 1000 pointer eariler tonight.  It was probably one of the best games with Prof. Elf.  Lots of suspense right to the very end.  Also, no rules fuss, which is nice, 'cause as much as I like playing with Prof. Elf, he is The Master Rules Lawyer and a Great Beard Wearer.   And he seems to be the only player capable of bringing out the 14 year old in me.  Ahhh, those nasty days of adolescent gaming!  How the pursuit of Victory was Everything.  And the arguments and hurt feelings! The six hour plus games.  The smell!  The Peter Gabriel!  Anyway, none of that tonight.  Just pure gaming.  Nice manoeuvring.  Beautiful tactical plays.   And a happy Dark Elf ending.   The only problem was the batteries in the camera kept dying so I only managed a few pictures. 

The glorious charge of the Dark Elf Executioners that finished the battle.

This guy is one of my most favourite Beastmen.

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