Monday, February 6, 2012

Elf on Elf

Two great games this weekend!  It was Prof. Elf's birthday yesterday so he was allowed to come over for a big game.  Big game meaning all the Wood Elves vs. all the Dark Elves we have.  Roughly 4500+ points per side.  But who cares about points.  I much rather just gather a bunch of figures and simply put them on the table than worry about points and making lists these days.  Funny that, 'cause I used to really enjoy pointing out an army and creating beautifully crafted lists.    Here's some pictures:

A Dark Elf victory, although we called it a draw when Prof. Elf had to leave at midnight.  I continued on, while having a rye loaf bake in the oven.  Well, the battle was interrupted just at its climax by the smoke alarm blaring loudly about my burning loaf!   Warhammer!!

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