Monday, February 7, 2011

Again in Syria, and there is no Rome!

Enjoyed a fantastic Warhammer Ancients (V.1) game with Private D.  on Saturday.   Carthage's attempt to control the Mediterranean Sea is  halted in Syria by a Spartan and Indian Alliance. 

The skirmishers advance.       

And Elephants charge into Elephant on Elephant action!

Maiden Guard Archers deliver one last volley before they take the charge of the Punic heavy infantry.

And then ...Sparta attacks.                                                                                                                        

Driving all before them!  Ha ha ha!  (Unfortunately, the Celts and the Spanish skirmishers make off with the Spartan and Indian Baggage.)

Great, great game with much wacky Warhammer excitements and surprises.  I look forward to much more Ancient gaming.

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