Thursday, May 26, 2011

The New Neighbours

When the local Wizard Tower went up for sale, the village knew they were in for some trouble.    And sure enough, some rich Elf Mage soon moved in with his "friend", and his troupe of Harlequins.  And what a ruckus they caused! 

The local Constabulary was called in only to be chased away by these arrogant Elves.   Something had to be done!   The Imperium was notified.  Almost immediately a platoon of Space Marines were dispatched.  Unfortunately, they were from the Slack Chapter.  These are veteran Marines who are long passed worrying if their unit's uniforms all match. 

Anyway, when the Elf Mage heard about this, he hailed the closest Craftworld to request some help.   And zip...

The Elves were ready.

The local Constabulary tries again.

Elven firing is deadly.  And so are their rounds of Close Combat.   The remaining Marines try one last suicidal charge.

Looks like the new neighbours are here to stay.   Rules used - Warhammer 40 000 2nd. edition.   A really wonderful set of rules that I want to play with again and again.

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