Way back before Christmas, Professor Elf and I had decided that our next match-up would be Chaos vs. High Elf. It has taken us until this afternoon to finally get around to it. So, Game One of our three game series, 1000 points, a High Elf intrusion into the Realms of Chaos, the armies meet on a frozen lake in the Chaos Wastes.
The rules we used were a mismash of 7th and 8th Edition Warhammer (which seems to change every time we play).
The Elves won first turn and sent their Dragon Princes on an expected flanking move. The Elf Mage attempted Shield of Saphery but miscast, taking a wound and losing the spell. Chaos forces then rush forward. Elf missilefire, with the exception of the bolt thrower, fails to penetrate the mighty armour of my beautiful Chaos Warriors. Meanwhile, the Dragon Princes align themselves for a charge on the Exalted Heroine's unit.

They charge only to be completely cut down by my laughing fiends. I gave the entire army the Mark Of Nurgle to counter the constant first strike advantage of the Elves, and it worked very nicely. Next the Professor charged his Phoenix Guard into my Frenzied Banner of Rage Unit and ...I'm not going to mention how they broke under these poncy Elves, but the Phoenix Guard were soon running themselves. Actually by the end of the seventh turn all the remaining Elves were running. Great game. I love Chaos. I'll end up with a photo of my right flank unit finishing off the Lothern Sea Guard.